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Obama az utah-i kormányzót jelöli kínai nagykövetnek

2009.05.16. 18:45 Link Elek

Obama naming Huntsman ambassador to China


President Barack Obama named Republican Utah Gov. Jon M. Huntsman Jr. as his pick for ambassador to China, likely removing one of his strongest potential challengers in the 2012 presidential campaign from the running.
Huntsman is often mentioned as a potential Republican presidential candidate in 2012, although some of his advisers think the party's primary voters will be more prepared to accept his moderate views in 2016 if the party suffers a 1964-like cataclysm at the polls in 2012. While conservative on social issues, Huntsman takes more centrist positions on the environment and gay rights. He shocked the Republican Party last year by announcing support for civil unions. He supported a regional cap-and-trade effort to reduce global warming, and has called on his party not to reject science showing that climate change is real.

In contrast to other Republican governors, he accepted his state’s allotment from the economic stimulus package – and, in fact, said in a February interview with POLITICO that $787 billion wasn’t large enough.

He was also critical of the Republican leadership in Congress, saying “we will be irrelevant as a party until we become the part of solutions and until we become the party or preeminence.”

Obama's political gurus were watching Huntsman. Campaign manager David Plouffe described Huntsman this month as "the one person in that party who might be a potential presidential candidate."



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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

Link Elek 2009.05.16. 18:47:00

ha a deli baptistak 2012-ben megint azert szavaznak Romney ellen, mert mormon, akkor igazan kivancsi leszek mit szolnak a mormonok.

Link Elek 2009.05.16. 18:50:55

gyujtogetek meg velemenyeket:
This is smart and wicked clever: The President has appointed Jon Huntsman, the popular governor of Utah, as Ambassador to China. It's smart because Huntsman knows China and is fluent in Mandarin, qualities that will be well received in China. He also has real stature, a co-chair of John McCain's presidential campaign and a voice for sanity in the Republican Party ever since--taken together, these attributes lend "face" to the appointment, a real show of respect that the Chinese leadership will appreciate.

It is wicked clever because I'd marked Huntsman as a very hot longshot for the Republican presidential nomination on my 2012 tout sheet and so had many other handicappers. This probably takes him out of that picture, but marks him as a real player in both foreign policy and presidential politics in the years to come.

He's a high quality choice--and yet another indication that Obama is not giving up on his desire for bipartisan unity, especially overseas, even if the Republican Party continues to be relentlessly obstructionist.

Link Elek 2009.05.16. 19:54:10

Link Elek 2009.05.16. 22:10:28

clownfish 2009.05.17. 11:14:06

Valamiért csak elvállalta a fószer ezt a posztot...

Link Elek 2009.05.17. 13:31:32

unja az utahi kormanyzoi posztot, es 2012-ben nem lat eselyt obama ellen. a mersekelteknek jelenleg nincs helyuk rush/cheney/... mellett
kinaban visoznt jelenleg lehet igazan nagyot alkotni.

obama meg gozerovel igyekszik izolalni a del-karolinatol texas-ig tarto "igazi" delt. minden republikanus ekit eddig felkert nem deli
gates KS, LaHood Il, greg nh, locke WA, most meg utah

sesq 2009.05.18. 22:01:31

The GOP's future on the long boat to China

The weekend brought news that Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, a serious GOP contender for 2012, is off to Beijing as President Obama's ambassador to China. This says a lot of things, I think, but none more significant than this: Smart Republican money, not to mention one of the party's brightest hopefuls, is increasingly starting to believe that Obama will be a two-term president, in large part because the GOP may not be redeemable until 2016.
He probably assumes that the GOP will spend the next few years banging rocks together in the wilderness, throwing moderates like Colin Powell out of the party, and trying to wind the clock back to the early 1980s while the rest of the country moves on. He probably assumes that he's already established himself as "a different kind of conservative," that the domestic policy fights he'll face as governor will be frustrating and possibly fruitless, and that the GOP will need a few more electoral thrashings before it is ready to buy what he's selling.

Link Elek 2009.05.27. 17:07:44

The Wingnut and Talibangelical Dictionary.

BF79 2009.06.01. 23:48:03


Rég jártam erre, remélem nem hal be teljesen a kommentelésünk.

Néhányotoknak ígértem, hogy ha visszatérek az ördög tengelyéről, akkor elküldöm, hogy pontosan hol voltam. Akit érdekel (és persze innen már ismerem), jelezze itt a kommentekben, és privát üzenetben válaszolok.

BF79 2009.06.03. 22:11:42

Anr, ment.

Clown, akkor most igen, vagy nem? :)

MakkosMaria 2009.06.09. 00:24:49

BF, johet ide is.

Temahoz: Huntsman fiatal es meg raer. Furcsa modon a konzervativokkal bajuszt akasztott itt Utah-ban; az emlitett ugyeken kivul pl. az alkohol 'egyszerubb' arulasaban es sok kornyezetvedelmi ugy partolasaban elfoglalt velemenyeben.
Szerintem azt is latja, hogy a kozeljovoben itt Utahban sokkal tobbet mar nem tud elerni kormanyzokent. Vegul, Kina fontossaga egyre egyertelmubb, lehet, hogy ezzel egyreszt kulpol tapasztalatait szelesiti egy potencialis kampanyhoz, masreszt lat valamit, amit el tud erni Kinaban nagykovetkent.
Van meg egy erdekes vonulat: a mormonok szeretnek visszamenni a missziojuk helyere, egyreszt szentimentalis okbol, masreszt eros 'szolgalat'-kenyszeruk miatt.

clownfish 2009.06.09. 09:44:28

hello Maria, örülök, hogy újra látunk! :)

MakkosMaria 2009.06.10. 23:51:12

kozben otthon jartam :-)

clownfish 2009.06.11. 08:49:57

gerilla akció! na és jó volt? :D

BF79 2009.07.12. 18:02:12

SP hírének csak abból a szempontból lehet jelentősége, hogy ha azért tette, mert indulni akar 2012-ben, de ez nem valószínű (nem az indulás, hanem a mostani lemondás és a 3 év múlva indulás közti ok-okozati összefüggés).
süti beállítások módosítása