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Plan to Cleanse Banks of Bad Assets Lifts Markets

2009.03.23. 19:24 clownfish

 Stock markets shot up as much as 4 percent this morning after the Treasury Department unveiled a new plan to help banks cleanse their balance sheets of toxic assets. 

Shortly before noon, the blue-chip Dow Jones industrial average was up 3.7 percent, or 268 points, to 7,546.1, while the broader Standard & Poor's 500-stock index rose 3.7 percent, or 29 points, to 797.3. Both indexes had jumped 4 percent during mid-morning. The tech-heavy Nasdaq jumped 3.4 percent, or 49 points, to 1,506.5. 

The gains amount to a vote of confidence by investors in the program to purchase toxic assets, known as the Public Private Investment Plan. It calls for the government to partner with private investors to buy between $500 billion and $1 trillion in troubled real-estate related loans and securities that have poisoned financial institutions and destroyed investor confidence. Those assets will then be auctioned to the highest bidder, removing them from banks' balance sheets. 

"The market's really trading more on psychology now than fundamentals," said Matthew Eads, portfolio manager and securities analyst for "Investors are really looking for anything to grab on that's a sign of good news." 

The financial sector led stocks' morning charge with a 5.6 percent gain. Citigroup was up 19.1 percent and Bank of America shot up 15.5 percent amid heavy trading. Wells Fargo was up 10.5 percent, and J.P. Morgan rose 12.6 percent. 

Energy stocks also rose sharply, gaining more than 5 percent, on news of a $15.6 billion merger between Canadian giants Suncor Energy and Petro-Canada that will create the country's largest energy firm. Shares of Petro-Canada on the New York Stock Exchange jumped 27 percent. 

Investors also got an unexpected boost from news this morning that existing home rose sales 5.1 percent to a seasonally adjusted rate of 4.72 million in February compared to the previous month. Many analysts had expected the rate would fall. Still, home sales are still down about 5 percent from a year ago. 

Across the world, stock markets also rallied on the Treasury Department's announcement . Japan's Nikkei 225 rose 3.4 percent, or 270 points, to 8216, while Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index jumped 4.8 percent, or 614 points, to 13,447. In London, the FTSE 100 was up 2.2 percent this morning, or 85 points, to 3927. 

U.S. stock markets have fluctuated wildly this month, hitting 12-year-lows before rallying over the past two weeks -- the first time since May that stock markets have had two consecutive positive weeks.


By Ylan Q. Mui
Washington Post Staff Writer 
Monday, March 23, 2009; 11:48 AM



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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

BF79 2009.03.23. 19:37:42

Ez nagyon jó hír, most végre az látszik, hogy a piac elhiszi Obama-énknak hogy ki tudják húzni a gazdaságot a gödörből. Ettől még nem biztos, hogy ki is tudják, de mindenképpen segít.

sesq 2009.03.23. 20:54:22

'Shortly before noon, the blue-chip Dow Jones industrial average was up 3.7 percent, or 268 points'

+466 (6%) es meg nincs vege a napnak.

sesq 2009.03.23. 21:16:24

A new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll shows that Americans hold AIG management itself most responsible.

Nearly half of those surveyed (46%) say AIG management is "most to blame for the fact that these bonuses were paid." Almost one in five (19%) finger Congress, while 8% blame Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and 7% say President Obama bears responsibility.

clownfish 2009.03.23. 21:25:17

én cnn-en azt hallottam, hogy annyira dühösek az emberek az AIG miatt, hogy legszívesebben hagynák csődbe menni, ami egyébként a bónusz összegeket figyelembe véve teljesen érthető. ezeknek nem jár egy fitying állami pénz sem válságelhárításra.

clownfish 2009.03.23. 23:03:21

wolfie tobzódik a situation roomban. :D

az első nap tükrében ez az intézkedéscsomag sikeresnek tűnik, csak nehogy elkiabáljuk...

sesq 2009.03.23. 23:39:01

The market’s got a fee-vah and the only prescription is more Tim Geithner

...This was the biggest point gain since November 13, 2008, and the 5th biggest point gain in its history. It was the biggest percentage gain since October 28, 2008 and the 20th biggest percentage gain in its history.

The Treasury plan “may be a game-changer, because it’s been sprinkled with some better-than-expected economic data,” says Tom Sowanick, chief investment officer at Clearbrook Financial in Princeton, N.J. “If the tea leaves all start to line together I think this will be the beginning of a major bull market.”…

“You cannot fight this intervention,” Steve Grasso, of Stuart Frankel, told CNBC. “When you start to see the market just climb after weeks and months of being sold out, you have to participate.”

BF79 2009.03.24. 11:48:15

"annyira dühösek az emberek az AIG miatt, hogy legszívesebben hagynák csődbe menni"

Meg is érdemelné, hogy felszámolják, de nem lehet, mert akkor ránt magával mindenkit.

Viszont a piac most nagyon hisz, ez kifejezetten jó jel, hogy végre így van és ilyen erővel, továbbra is mondom, hogy lelki szempontból ezeknek a hónapoknak kiemelt jelentősége van.

Link Elek 2009.03.24. 15:06:54

>de nem lehet, mert akkor ránt magával mindenkit.
most marlehet, mert kifizette a CDS-eket a 180milliard$-bol
europai bankok is kaptak belole rendesen.

a hit szukseges, de nem elegseges ahhoz, hogy a penzugyi rendszer tuleljen. a CDO-k erteket az szabja meg, hogy a _jovoben_ mennyit fognak torleszteni az adosok. ez a kovetkezo 20-30 evben _vegig_ bizonytalan lesz.

BF79 2009.03.25. 01:00:13

"a hit szukseges, de nem elegseges ahhoz, hogy a penzugyi rendszer tuleljen."

süti beállítások módosítása