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Friss topikok


Elnöki sajtótájékoztató a gazdasági intézkedésekről

2009.03.25. 16:11 clownfish


President Obama held a prime-time news conference Tuesday addressing the economic recession, his administration's recovery strategy, and other current events during the first 60 days of his presidency.

President Obama sought to reassure Americans last night that his administration has made progress in reviving the economy and said his $3.6 trillion budget is "inseparable from this recovery." 

 After sprinting through his first months in office, Obama is now facing heightened criticism from Republicans, who have called his blueprint irresponsible, and from skeptical Democrats who have already set about trimming back his top budget priorities. 

Obama came into office amid lofty expectations and the worst economic crisis in generations, and he succeeded in pushing through a $787 billion stimulus and launching expensive plans to revive the banking system.

"What I am confident about is that we're moving in the right direction." 

Throughout the evening, Obama returned repeatedly to his belief that patience and determination will win out, declaring that the "whole philosophy of persistence, by the way, is one that I'm going to be emphasizing again and again in the months and years to come as long as I'm in this office. I'm a big believer in persistence."


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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

sesq 2009.03.26. 00:09:05

President Obama has nominated one of the nation's prominent liberal academics to be the top lawyer at the State Department, another sign that the administration plans a big break with Bush administration policies in the war on terror.

Koh has been one of the most outspoken opponents of Bush interrogation and detention policies. He told a 2005 Senate hearing that a Justice Department memo authorizing harsh interrogation methods was, "a stain on our law, a stain on our national reputation."

sesq 2009.03.26. 02:27:30

Surprise: Chinese Company Will Be First WTC Commercial Tenant

sesq 2009.03.27. 12:31:05

A Quick Explanation for the GOP Seppuku Today

For some reason or another, the Republican leadership held a press conference, held up a blue binder that allegedly held a budget, but didn’t really, and the results were pretty disastrous.

So when GOP operatives are running around telling the Politico “We need to hold something up and say, ‘Here are our charts. Here are our graphs. It’s real,” the reason they ‘need’ to just throw out something, anything, is because they know they got bitch-slapped. And rather than just lay low and wait a week and come out with an actual budget, they couldn’t, because they are operating at a level of emotional maturity equal to a 12 year old.

How not to hold a press conference

sesq 2009.03.27. 15:28:29

Obama Goes to War

Good morning. Today, I am announcing a comprehensive, new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan.

This marks the conclusion of a careful policy review that I ordered as soon as I took office. My Administration has heard from our military commanders and diplomats. We have consulted with the Afghan and Pakistani governments; with our partners and NATO allies; and with other donors and international organizations. And we have also worked closely with members of Congress here at home. Now, I'd like to speak clearly and candidly to the American people.

sesq 2009.03.27. 15:38:02

Sad News: Afghan suicide bomber blows up 6 militants

A would-be suicide bomber accidentally blew himself up on Thursday, killing six other militants as he was bidding them farewell to leave for his intended target, the Interior Ministry said.

BF79 2009.03.29. 21:06:21

Már megint Soros a soros bűnbak :(
süti beállítások módosítása