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Friss topikok


Napi DNC :-)

2009.03.05. 22:02 clownfish












Eddig is tudtuk, hogy a demokraták igen szeretik az USA fábrisanyiját, de hogy ennyire... :P

Submit Your Slogan

We'll go through all of the slogans you submit, and the winner will have his or her submission appear on a billboard in Rush Limbaugh's hometown of West Palm Beach, Florida -- and receive a free T-shirt featuring the winning slogan.


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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

clownfish 2009.03.08. 00:22:17

látom, ehhez senki nem fog hozzászólni (bár belátom, nincs is mit :P)

így inkább linkelek: előszöris az új gop chairmant (stílszerüen székben fényképezve :P)

clownfish 2009.03.08. 00:24:01

másodszor pedig hrc, akinél felvetődik a kérdés: mit is keres ázsiában? a cikkíró ügyesen észrevételezi a semmit a körutazással kapcsolatban, érdemes elolvasni! :)

clownfish 2009.03.08. 12:47:16

mno! oldalon tudod nézni a Magyarország-USA pólómeccset! (volvo kupa, Eger)

BF79 2009.03.09. 01:53:38

Ez egy jó kis cikk McCain-ről:

Saját vélemény: McCain november 4.-én este azonnal visszakapcsolt normál üzemmódba. A hozzáállása korrekt. Az viszont továbbra is látszik rajta, hogy gazdasági oldalon van még mit tanulnia, továbbra is azt hiszi, hogy mehet a hagyományos bírkózás a kis állam-nagy állam témakörben ilyen időkben. Itt már jó ideje tűzoltás folyik, nem az épület átépítésének tervezése.

sesq 2009.03.09. 03:04:25

@clownfish: kosz, mikor van? volt...?

clownfish 2009.03.09. 16:08:05

sajna már csak volt... ez volvo-kupa, minden évben egy vidéki városban, most egerben volt. mindig 4 válogatott játszik, idén a magyar, szerb, román és amerikai, célja a felkészülés, csapatépítés a nyári római vb-re, és szerintem nagyon jó fiatal játékosgeneráció képviseltette most magát a válogatottban (nagyágyúk nélkül 11-11 lett a szerbekkel, úgy hogy végig vezettünk), mint hárai balázs, hegedüs gábor, bundschuh erik, létay balázs (ők mind az egerben játszanak), meg a már idősebbek is nagyon jók voltak (varga II, a varga-tesók, szívós-bár az ő játékát annyira nem szeretem, kis gábor stb).

ha nálam okosabbak véleményére is kíváncsi vagy:

sesq 2009.03.09. 20:23:45

@clownfish: kosz. a felsoroltak fiatalabb felerol soha nem hallottam... :)

clownfish 2009.03.09. 21:49:52

akkor tessék megnézni a videókat, mert jók ám! nekem persze a szívemhez az egriek állnak legközelebb, az én válogatottamnak legalább a fele egri lenne :D

Link Elek 2009.03.10. 10:08:54

President Barack Obama did a lot more than lift the ban on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research Monday. He came to the startling conclusion that scientific research should be based on science.

This will be a change. George W. Bush spent the past eight years making sure scientific research was based on conservative ideology, political manipulation and whim.

sesq 2009.03.10. 15:38:39

Pandit Says Citigroup Having Best Quarter Since 2007

March 10 (Bloomberg) -- Citigroup Inc. Chief Executive Officer Vikram Pandit said his bank is having the best quarter since 2007, when it last posted a profit. The shares rose as much as 27 percent and helped spur gains for finance company stocks.

“I am most encouraged with the strength of our business so far in 2009,” Pandit wrote in an internal memorandum obtained today by Bloomberg. “In fact, we are profitable through the first two months of 2009 and are having our best quarter-to-date performance since the third quarter of 2007.”

Citigroup gained 28 cents to $1.33 in composite trading on the New York Stock Exchange at 9:35 a.m. The stock tumbled 95 percent in the past year, cutting the bank’s market value to about $5.8 billion. The bank is the smallest company and the worst-performing stock in the 30-member Dow Jones Industrial Average.

Shares of New York-based JPMorgan Chase & Co. gained 13 percent to $17.96, and Charlotte, North Carolina-based Bank of America Corp. rose 19 percent to $4.48.

Pandit’s upbeat remarks follow similar comments from Bank of America CEO Kenneth Lewis, who said last month that January results were “encouraging.” Morgan Stanley Chief Financial Officer Colm Kelleher said last month that the firm had a “good start” in January. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is showing strong trading profits in 2009, Sandler O’Neill & Partners LLP analyst Jeffrey Harte wrote in a note last month after meeting with top Goldman executives.

“From a trading standpoint I think this is going to be a very good quarter for a number of companies, including Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan and Citigroup, because the environment has changed dramatically,” said Richard Bove, an analyst at Rochdale Securities in Lutz, Florida. “The number of competitors has shrunk and the size of the business has increased, plus prices have gone up.”

sesq 2009.03.10. 15:41:32

"We're doing in weeks what countries did in years. This will work. It will take some time. It will take some patience. But it will work," - Treasury secretary Tim Geithner

sesq 2009.03.10. 15:48:33

U.S. Army Ranger, Obama campaign staffer, Rhodes Scholar, and Afghanistan veteran Craig Mullaney just published The Unforgiving Minute: A Soldier's Education, to rave reviews. He and I had a video chat last week, to discuss the new book -- and what lies ahead in Afghanistan.

sesq 2009.03.10. 17:46:11

a republikanusok kozben aggodva figyelik, ahogy a dow +300-nal (+5% reggel ota) jar.

BF79 2009.03.10. 19:17:35

Piros pont Nancy-nek, ez korrekt. Pedig egy Rep legenda felesége és amúgy is beszóltak neki az asztaltáncoltatás miatt.

BF79 2009.03.10. 19:26:27

Obama net approval-ja 50 nap után rosszabb, mint Kennedy, Nixon, Carter, mindkét Bush, Ike esetén ugyanúgy 50 nap után. Amióta mérik, azóta az első term-esek közül csak Reagan és Clinton munkájának az elfogadottsága volt rosszabb ennyi idő után. Egyébként éppen csak ők ketten voltak képesek elég jól végezni 8 év után (+Ike).

BF79 2009.03.10. 19:30:12

"a republikanusok kozben aggodva figyelik, ahogy a dow +300-nal (+5% reggel ota) jar."

Van honnan visszajönni. A csúcsig több mint 100%-ot kellene csinálnia.

Nem lehet kellemes most republikánusnak lenni. Azt nem akarhatják, hogy a gazdaság tovább meneteljen a mélybe, de ha megfordul, akkor azt a többség Obama érdemének fogja tekinteni. Csapda, maguknak ásták.

clownfish 2009.03.10. 20:43:56

reagan asszonynak vajon a férje alzheimere kellett ahhoz, hogy megértse ezeknek a kutatásoknak a fontosságát, vagy alapból is támogatta? (nem tudom, mióta vannak őssejt-kutatások az usa-ban, kétlem, hogy reagan ciklusa óta). ha meg szívszerelemből támogatja az ügyet, akkor meg le a kalappal!

sesq 2009.03.10. 20:53:17

'Obama net approval-ja 50 nap után rosszabb, mint Kennedy, Nixon, Carter, mindkét Bush, Ike...'

es ezek kozul melyik kezdte az elso ciklusat egy vilagmeretu gazdasagi valsag kellos kozepen?

Then again, Obama has a couple of pretty good excuses if his approval ratings aren't quite in Kennedy territory. For one, the public has tended to become more partisan over the course of the past half-century... And secondly, no president since Truman, and no newly-elected president since Roosevelt... has had to take over under such difficult circumstances.

So while we should be realistic about the fact that Obama isn't quite carrying an LBJ-type mandate at the moment, his approval ratings are almost exactly where Ronald Reagan's were at this point in 1981, which is probably the most comparable circumstance...(although Reagan was technically in between recessions at this point).

clownfish 2009.03.10. 22:02:20

mno 24 hrs update machine :P

sesq 2009.03.11. 21:12:25

Ross Douthat's New Perch

It's one step back for the Atlantic, but an order of magnitude forward for the country: my colleagues and I learned today that senior editor Ross Douthat will, in short order, become an opinion columnist for the New York Times.

sesq 2009.03.11. 21:41:50

Bristol Palin & Levi Johnston Break Off Engagement

"Bristol's just crazy. That's the nicest way I can put it. She and Levi actually broke up a while ago! Levi tries to visit Tripp every single day, but Bristol makes it nearly impossible for him. She tells him he can't take the baby to our house because she doesn't want him around 'white trash.' She treats him so badly!"

(az 'obama disznonak nevezte palint' linken sajnos mar nem lehet kommentelni...:))

sesq 2009.03.11. 22:47:37

Katie Couric has won a Cronkite Award for her revealing, multi-part interview of Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

Couric won her award in the category "Special Achievement for National Impact on the 2008 Campaign." In the awards announcement, judges called Couric's interview with Palin a "defining moment in the 2008 presidential campaign," and described it as "extraordinary, persistent and detailed."

BF79 2009.03.11. 23:24:03

"Bristol Palin & Levi Johnston Break Off Engagement"

Micsoda meglepetés. Kár volt hülyének nézni a fél világot. Talán majd anyuka is átgondolja majd az önmegtartóztatásról, a szexuális oktatásról vallott őskori nézeteit, nem is beszélve arról hogy az egész családjából hülyét csináljon a politikai karrierje érdekében.

clownfish 2009.03.12. 00:28:39

húúúú ez a roma-arsenal nem volt semmi!!! azta betyár...

sesq 2009.03.12. 04:35:57

Cantor open to second stimulus

House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) didn’t rule out the the idea of a second stimulus package and said Wednesday he would be willing to sit down with the White House and congressional Democrats to discuss any new emergency spending proposals.

Citing the current economic crisis, Cantor acknowledged: “You have to.”

sesq 2009.03.12. 20:55:44

By many accounts this is how a turnaround happens: An important economic indicator surprises to the upside and the critical banking sector starts to show some strength.

While even the most optimistic investors would be hesitant to call a turnaround point in the market, there at least is hope that a much-expected market bounce is beginning to take hold.

Bank of America Expects to Post Full-Year 2009 Profit

sesq 2009.03.13. 02:26:48

Hope, for a Change:

Obama: Actually, the economy’s not as bad as you think

Citi doesn't need more government capital: Parsons

U.S. retail sales drop not as bad as feared

Link Elek 2009.03.13. 11:26:36

The Democratic National Committee on Friday launches a “Party of No” clock counting up the days, hours and minutes since President Obama announced his budget.

MakkosMaria 2009.03.13. 18:37:03

Jon a Comedy Central-tol, Tina az SNL-bol: csak a viccmesterek kepesek neven nevezni a dolgokat? Persze regen is erre tartottak az udvari bolondokat; elnezest, hogy hozzajuk hasonlitom oket, de ugyanaz a dolguk :-)

clownfish 2009.03.13. 21:57:38

hát én spec. most hallok david frumról először életemben. homályosíts fel! (amúgy most jöttem haza a szőnyi útról, az eger szépen kitömte szegény bvsc-t. :P )

sesq 2009.03.15. 20:43:32

DARPA to Explore Geoengineering

No mainstream scientists are advocating using geoengineering techniques right now, but more and more researchers feel that a worsening picture of global climate change warrants studying such interventions in case of a climate emergency in the future. "We don't want to do geoengineering but we're in increasingly dire straits."

sesq 2009.03.16. 12:26:59

Osama bin Elvis
On September 16, 2001, on Al Jazeera, Osama said of 9/11: "I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears to have been carried out by individuals with their own motivation." Again, in the October interview with Tayseer Alouni, he limited his connection with 9/11 to ideology: "If they mean, or if you mean, that there is a link as a result of our incitement, then it is true. We incite…" But in the so-called "confession video" that the CIA found in December, the Osama figure acts like the chief conspirator. The fact that the video had been made for no self-evident purpose except perhaps to be found by the Americans should have raised suspicion.
Since October 2001, when Al Jazeera's Tayseer Alouni interviewed him, no reputable person reports having seen him—not even after multiple-blind journeys through intermediaries. The audio and video tapes alleged to be Osama's never convinced impartial observers. The guy just does not look like Osama. Some videos show him with a Semitic aquiline nose, while others show him with a shorter, broader one. Next to that, differences between colors and styles of beard are small stuff. Nor does the tapes' Osama sound like Osama.
We do not know what happened to Osama. But whatever happened, the original one, the guy who looked and sounded like a spoiled Saudi kid turned ideologue, is no more. The one who exists in the tapes is different: he is the world's terror master, endowed with inexplicable influence. In short, whoever is making the post-November 2001 Osama tapes is pretending to far greater power than Osama ever claimed, much less exercised.

sesq 2009.03.16. 16:24:59

There's a 20-year-old photo making the rounds on the tubes showing U.S. President Ronald Reagan taking a stroll through Red Square during his May 1988 visit to Moscow.

Reagan's photographer, Pete Souza, told NPR in January that he has confirmed that the blonde-haired man in the striped shirt on the left was none other than Vladimir Putin, then a KGB colonel.

Gorbachev introduced Reagan to various tourists, who asked the American president pointed questions about subjects such as human rights in the United States. Souza says he remembers turning to one of the Secret Service agents standing nearby. "I can't believe these tourists in the Soviet Union are asking these pointed questions." The agent replied, "Oh, these are all KGB families."

sesq 2009.03.16. 16:35:02

Free Larry Summers
by Noam Scheiber
Why the White House needs to unshackle its economic oracle.

Link Elek 2009.03.17. 15:51:03

What a welcome change to feel like someone is running the country instead of running it into the ground.

President Obama has done more in eight weeks than George W. Bush did in eight years -- unless you include starting a couple of wars.

sesq 2009.03.17. 22:44:10

Change: The Obama administration has appointed lesbian attorney Elaine Kaplan as general counsel for the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, where she will serve under the office’s gay director, John Berry.

BF79 2009.03.18. 01:38:00

"The Obama administration has appointed lesbian attorney Elaine Kaplan as general counsel for the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, where she will serve under the office’s gay director, John Berry."

Ez azért jó, mert ők biztosan nem fogják az adófizetők pénzéből az időt mókázásra használni. Muhahaha.

Egyébként az lenne a jó, ha többé senkit sem érdekelne, hogy ki kikkel, hanem mindenkit egyenlő jogok és gyakorlat illetne meg. Ma még siker az, ha az elnök bőre nem feltétlenül fehér vagy meleg az egyik általa kinevezett vezető, 10 év múlva ez már senkit sem fog érdekelni.

sesq 2009.03.18. 17:24:54

Some Truths About Guantanamo Bay
by Lawrence B. Wilkerson, chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell

...The fourth unknown is the ad hoc intelligence philosophy that was developed to justify keeping many of these people, called the mosaic philosophy. Simply stated, this philosophy held that it did not matter if a detainee were innocent. Indeed, because he lived in Afghanistan and was captured on or near the battle area, he must know something of importance (this general philosophy, in an even cruder form, prevailed in Iraq as well, helping to produce the nightmare at Abu Ghraib). All that was necessary was to extract everything possible from him and others like him, assemble it all in a computer program, and then look for cross-connections and serendipitous incidentals--in short, to have sufficient information about a village, a region, or a group of individuals, that dots could be connected and terrorists or their plots could be identified.

Thus, as many people as possible had to be kept in detention for as long as possible to allow this philosophy of intelligence gathering to work. The detainees' innocence was inconsequential. After all, they were ignorant peasants for the most part and mostly Muslim to boot.

clownfish 2009.03.18. 17:48:32

Szekeres Imre (secretary of defence, Hungary): "The fundamentals of our economy are strong!"

lmao!!! XD kicsit lemaradtam a hírről, de ez csemege!

sesq 2009.03.18. 18:36:35


Astronauts aboard the International Space Station report mysterious guano deposits in coffee.
süti beállítások módosítása