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Friss topikok


Hírzanza Sun Feb 8 22:02:15 EST

2009.02.09. 04:06 Link Elek

Biden trip yields few tangible returns

"America will do more, but American will ask more from its partners," he said in a speech that was warmly received but might have had some European officials privately longing for the Bush administration's tendency not to expect much, if anything, of Old Europe. Biden did not return to Washington with any intriguing public promises of new help in Afghanistan from European leaders, like German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicholas Sarkozy, or on stopping Iran's nuclear program from Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov. Sitting beside Biden prior to their hour-long meeting Sunday, Ivanov declared Biden's offer "to press the reset button" on U.S.-Russian relations that had become badly strained by the end of the Bush years a "very positive" development. But their hour-long meeting produced no apparent breakthroughs.

What the centrists have wrought

The Nelson-Specter-Collins cuts are stupid and will cost 600,000 jobs, Krugman says


Sebelius, Bredesen up for HHS spot

Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius is the leading contender to replace Tom Daschle as President Obama's choice for secretary of Health and Human Services, with Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen also remaining under consideration, administration officials told Politico. The officials said others might be in the mix and that a decision was likely soon.


Senate Rankings, February 2009 Edition

Races are ranked in order of their likelihood of changing parties in November 2010, accounting for all factors such as potential retirements, primary challenges, and so forth.

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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

Link Elek 2009.02.09. 12:15:15

A letter to Rush Limbaugh
Dear Rush,

Congratulations! You have been selected by the Obama administration, the mainstream media and 20 million of your most passionate followers to be the new head of the Republican Party.

clownfish 2009.02.09. 15:08:43

sajna ezt az utolsó táblázatot nem értem. valami magyarázat akad?

Link Elek 2009.02.09. 15:34:44

az 538 megmagayrazza,nyomj ra a cimlink-re, ha ott sem erted majd segitek:)

A Gallup survey released this morning found that 67 percent of the American public approves of the way he is handling the $800 billion economic stimulus bill. Not such good news for Congress, however. Democrats get a 48 percent approval rating and the GOP, 31 percent.

Link Elek 2009.02.09. 18:21:08

"One thing that we learned over two years," Axelrod added, "is that there's a whole different conversation in Washington than there is out here. If I had listened to the conversation in Washington during the campaign for president, I would have jumped off a building about a year and a half ago."

He continued: "The American people are desperate for us to act. They understand that we're in crisis. They're living it every single day "Obviously the place we are going to today is one of the more severely hit communities. But all communities are. They're not into the machinations that folks in Washington are. They're not sweating this detail or that detail. They're certainly not buying into the argument that, you know, the New Deal was a failure and we shouldn't intervene."

BF79 2009.02.09. 18:24:03

Biztos, hogy nem volt ennyire messze a Gallup adatai alapján. Kérdés, hogy Obama képes-e ezt politikai tőkeként felhasználni a kongresszusban a javaslatainál. Egyelőre úgy fest, hogy a Demokrata hátszél miatt képes erőből is megoldani a feladatot, de keres alternatív megoldásokat is, biztos ami biztos.

mn0 2009.02.09. 19:26:59

Commander in Chief Next month in UK

The PC game Commander in Chief will hit UK retail shelves on March 12. The game is a comprehensive geo-political simulation game for PCs where players face the same complex issues confronting leaders like President Obama on a day to day basis. Just as in real life, players can test their ability to deal with these issues domestically or on the world stage, responding to actions taken by fellow global leaders.

mn0 2009.02.12. 15:23:26


Retail sales rebounded unexpectedly in January

First gain in 7 months; data glimmer of hope for a recession-hit economy

Link Elek 2009.02.12. 20:20:00

But what makes Snowe and Collins more powerful now is that they, along with Specter, are nearly the last survivors of a once common species of moderate Northeastern Republican.,8599,1878942,00.html

clownfish 2009.02.12. 20:29:51

nem halott a blog, csupán cenzúrázott, és másodkézből jutnak fel a kommentek, hát ez remek! Magam részéről ezt az oldalt preferálom. Esetleg akiralyt is áthívhatjuk a mi kertünkbe játszani néha. ;-)

sesq 2009.02.13. 22:40:03

congress leghulyebbje:

He can rest easy, though, knowing that he has created at least one job: a seat in Congress for the Democrat who beats him in 2010.

sesq 2009.02.13. 22:58:32

Man who started TV network to improve Muslims’ image beheads wife

Link Elek 2009.02.14. 16:48:40

Public still sky-high on Obama 'brand'
A CBS News poll released February 5, for instance, found 81% of Americans said Obama is reaching out to congressional Republicans, while just 41 percent said the congressional Republicans were looking for bipartisanship.

“There have been a number of different surveys that have shown that Americans perceive that Obama is extending a hand of cooperation, a hand that the Republican leadership is not reciprocating—that’s very striking in the data,” said Mark Blumenthal, the editor of, who also noted that Obama has managed to remain popular even with some Republicans.
VIDEO: Obama claims victory in radio address
es a republikanusokat meg sem emliti.

a dolgok jelenlegi allasa szerint egy magas elfogadottsagu (approval) elnok csinal dolgokat, amiket rendkivul alacsony elfogadottsaguak biralnak, akik raadasul nem mutatnak fel mukodokepes alternativat.
nekem mint dem. szimpatizansak ez tokeletesen megfelelo felallas.:)

Link Elek 2009.02.14. 16:54:09

ide fognak felkerulni a vegrehajtassal kapcsolatos infok

Link Elek 2009.02.14. 17:20:16

George Carlin's version:

"When it comes to bullshit, big-time, major league bullshit, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion. No contest. No contest. Religion. Religion easily has the greatest bullshit story ever told. Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!

But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bullshit story. Holy Shit!"

Link Elek 2009.02.15. 12:09:24

chavez mar udvarol obamanak, nemsokara putin is fog.
az ok: olajar. a 2009-es koltsegvetesuket 80-100$-os olajarra mereteztek, es most krva sok beigert penz hianyzik. ami miatt obama fontos lett nekik az az, hogy kepes lenne elerni, hogy az uzleti elet bizalommal tekintsen ezekre az allamokra. vagyis most amerika rendkivul jo helyzetbe kerult es kozel barmit kerhet. de talan az is eleg, ha nem csinal semmit csak var amig csodkozeli helzyetbe nem kerulnek ezek az orszagok.

Fear Comes to the Russian Heartland
It may be too late for Putin to avoid trouble in hundreds of rust-belt 'monotowns.'

The Decline of the Petro-Czar

Link Elek 2009.02.15. 18:32:22

C-SPAN marks Presidents’ Day weekend with its second Historians Survey of Presidential Leadership. The 65 presidential historians’ TOP 10 PRESIDENTS: Lincoln, Washington, FDR, TR, Truman, JFK, Jefferson, Ike, Wilson and Reagan.

THE BOTTOM 10: Hayes, Hoover, Tyler, George W. Bush, Fillmore, Harding, Harrison, Pierce, Andrew Johnson, Buchanan.

George H.W. Bush was 18. Bill Clinton, #21 in the first survey in 2000, leaps six spots to 15.

Link Elek 2009.02.16. 20:57:45

By now everyone knows the sad tale of Bernard Madoff’s duped investors. They looked at their statements and thought they were rich. But then, one day, they discovered to their horror that their supposed wealth was a figment of someone else’s imagination.
Unfortunately, that’s a pretty good metaphor for what happened to America as a whole in the first decade of the 21st century.

Last week the Federal Reserve released the results of the latest Survey of Consumer Finances, a triennial report on the assets and liabilities of American households. The bottom line is that there has been basically no wealth creation at all since the turn of the millennium: the net worth of the average American household, adjusted for inflation, is lower now than it was in 2001.

Link Elek 2009.02.17. 14:06:11

WaPo’s Eugene Robinson heaps praise on POTUS in Tuesday’s column. The lead: “This is a presidency on steroids.

Barack Obama's executive actions alone would be enough for any new administration's first month.”
NYT’s Bob Herbert agrees, writing that during the stimulus debate he was “struck by how well (Obama) understands that most voters are not driven by ideology and are not searching for politically orthodox leadership.”

Link Elek 2009.02.17. 19:54:11

Democrats' approval of Congress more than doubled in a single month -- from 18 percent in January to 43 percent this month, probably on the strength of their push to pass the stimulus and other big-ticket legislation like childrens health insurance.

Over the same period, GOP voters' House and Senate approval rating slipped from 23 to 19 percent.

Link Elek 2009.02.18. 11:00:18
Considering the fundamental nature of oil supply and demand provides a coherent explanation not just for the rapid rise in oil prices, but also the dramatic fall.
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