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A beiktatás napja: íme a menetrend

2009.01.19. 22:09 clownfish


Íme a beiktatási menetrend a (Presidential Inaugurational Committee) honlap hivatalos közleménye szerint (senki ne lepődjön meg, a "buli" már napok óta tart):

Először is, hogy könnyebb legyen felvázolni, íme a beiktatási programok térképe:











(nagyobb felbontásért: )

Swearing-in Ceremony

11:30 a.m. (+6 óra CET-ben-17:30, de délután 4 órától már érdemes bekapcsolni a tévét, a műsor amúgy 11-kor kezdődik.)

- West front of the U.S. Capitol
The President-elect and Vice President-elect and their families will participate in the traditional inaugural ceremonies and events. For the first time ever, the length of the National Mall will be open to those wishing to attend the swearing-in ceremony. No tickets are required to view the Inaugural Ceremony on the National Mall west of 4th Street. If you’re planning on attending, you can find more information here to help plan your trip.

Festivities will include:

• Musical Selections: The United States Marine Band, followed by The San Francisco Boys Chorus and the San Francisco Girls Chorus
• Call to Order and Welcoming Remarks: Senator Dianne Feinstein
• Invocation: Dr. Rick Warren
• Musical Selection: Aretha Franklin
• Vice President-elect Joseph R. Biden, Jr. will be sworn into office by Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, the Honorable John Paul Stevens
• Musical Selection: John Williams, composer/arranger with Itzhak Perlman, (violin), Yo-Yo Ma (cello), Gabriela Montero (piano) and Anthony McGill (clarinet) 
• President-elect Barack H. Obama will take the Oath of Office, using President Lincoln’s Inaugural Bible, administered by the Chief Justice of the United States, the Honorable John G. Roberts, Jr. 
• Inaugural Address
• Poem: Elizabeth Alexander
• Benediction: The Reverend Dr. Joseph E. Lowery
• The National Anthem: The United States Navy Band “Sea Chanters" 

After President Obama gives his Inaugural Address, he will escort outgoing President George W. Bush to a departure ceremony.

Inaugural Luncheon

Following the swearing-in ceremony, President Barack Obama, Vice President Joseph Biden, and members of their families will attend an inaugural luncheon hosted by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies. 

Inaugural Parade

The 56th Inaugural Parade will make its way down Pennsylvania Avenue from the Capitol to the White House with groups traveling from all over the country to participate. Find out more information about the parade. While there is no official start time for the parade, it traditionally begins around 2:30 p.m.


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