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Using czars in W.H. to focus on policy

2009.04.27. 16:10 Link Elek

President Barack Obama’s plan to use high-level White House aides — instead of Cabinet secretaries — to coordinate high-priority policy initiatives puts a unique stamp on the structure of his administration.


szerintem a valo eletben elofordulo problemakra figyelo emberek alkalmazasa sokkal fontosabb, mint az egyes sóhivatali vezetok uj feladatokkal valo felruhazasa.

a dolgoknak a kormanyzatban is arra fele kene elmozdulnia, mint amerrefele a pentagon mozdult el mar regota: parhuzamosan letezik az eroforasok feletti vezetes (pl: egy carrier group admiralisa), es az adott problemakorért felelos vezetes (pl: central command)



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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

sesq 2009.04.27. 16:48:04


magyarorszag ujra a times cimlapjan, micsoda buszkeseg!

As Economic Turmoil Mounts, So Do Attacks on Hungary’s Gypsies

Experts on Roma issues describe an ever more aggressive atmosphere toward Roma in Hungary and elsewhere in Central and Eastern Europe, led by extreme right-wing parties, whose leaders are playing on old stereotypes of Roma as petty criminals and drains on social welfare systems at a time of rising economic and political turmoil. As unemployment rises, officials and Roma experts fear the attacks will only intensify.
But nowhere has the violence reached the level it has in Hungary, spreading fear and intimidation through a Roma population of roughly 600,000.

BF79 2009.04.27. 19:42:11

Egyes felmérések szerint a magyar lakosság közel 90%-nak vannak ellenérzései általánosságban a romákkal szemben. Az Európa Parlamentbe be fog jutni nagy valószínűséggel egy olyan párt itthonról, amelyik folyamatosan használja a cigánybűnözés kifejezést.

sesq 2009.04.28. 14:04:20

“If this weren’t such a serious matter, it would make a great screenplay, tragedy and farce all wrapped together.”

sesq 2009.04.28. 19:41:55

Statement by Senator Arlen Specter

I have been a Republican since 1966. I have been working extremely hard for the Party, for its candidates and for the ideals of a Republican Party whose tent is big enough to welcome diverse points of view. While I have been comfortable being a Republican, my Party has not defined who I am. I have taken each issue one at a time and have exercised independent judgment to do what I thought was best for Pennsylvania and the nation.
I have decided to run for re-election in 2010 in the Democratic primary.

sesq 2009.04.28. 21:39:50

Snowe: GOP Has Abandoned Principles; Specter Switch "Devastating"

Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine, one of the few remaining moderate Republicans in the Senate, said Tuesday that Arlen Specter’s abandonment of the GOP is "devastating," both "personally and I think for the party."

"I’ve always been deeply concerned about the views of the Republican Party nationally in terms of their exclusionary policies and views towards moderate Republicans," said Snowe, who has been approached, she said, by Democrats in the past about switching parties.

Link Elek 2009.04.29. 06:10:59

van egy gondolatom, kivancsi vagyoka velemenyetekre.
a 80-as evekben a repek szeles bazisu part voltak. volt egy rendkivul sikeres/elismert elnokuk es ugy gondoltak, ha republikanus az elnok, aaz segiti a republikanus partot. szerintem ezert votl olyan szeles bazisu part.
nade, jott GWB, es kiderult, hogy a republikanus elnok _nagyon_ kepes artani a republikanus partnak. most mar nem cel, hogy mindenaron kormanyozzanak, vagyis nem szukseges a kozep megnyerese.
a dolog legkozelebb is akkro fog valtozni, ha egy rendkivul kevesse nepszeru demokrata elnok lesz hatalmon. addig nem nagyon.

Link Elek 2009.04.29. 11:16:06

The Party of "Oh No"If you thought the GOP's first 100 days were bad, wait for the second 100.

Link Elek 2009.04.29. 14:33:49

halperin messze a legjobb politikusok teljesitmenyenek ertekeleseben:,28757,1894223,00.html
First Semester at the White House

After Obama's first few months in office, TIME's Senior Political Analyst Mark Halperin assesses the early performances of key White House and other Washington players

sesq 2009.04.29. 16:06:27

The Irony of Satire

This study investigated biased message processing of political satire in The Colbert Report and the influence of political ideology on perceptions of Stephen Colbert. Results indicate that political ideology influences biased processing of ambiguous political messages and source in late-night comedy. Using data from an experiment (N = 332), we found that individual-level political ideology significantly predicted perceptions of Colbert's political ideology.

Additionally, there was no significant difference between the groups in thinking Colbert was funny, but conservatives were more likely to report that Colbert only pretends to be joking and genuinely meant what he said while liberals were more likely to report that Colbert used satire and was not serious when offering political statements. Conservatism also significantly predicted perceptions that Colbert disliked liberalism.

sesq 2009.04.30. 00:23:59

In New Book, James Carville Dishes And Disses On Hillary Campaign

...I obtained an advance excerpt of the book, which is called “40 More Years,” and is about the emerging Dem majority, and here are a few choice tidbits:

* Just before the Iowa caucuses, Bill Clinton was privately informed by Hillary campaign chair Terry McAuliffe that the campaign only had enough money to buy TV ads for two more states — New Hampshire and South Carolina. Carville, who was there, relates that Bill had an “unprintable reaction” and went into a “panic,” calling other high-level campaign officials, who told him that this was indeed the case.

* As early as mid-April, well before Hillary dropped out, it was already clear that many super-delegates they were pursuing were likely to go for Obama. Carville reveals that Rahm Emanuel invited him to privately address a group of super-delegates, and “almost all” of them told Carville that they’d be going for the Illinois Senator.

* Mark Penn, Carville says, was a key factor in Hillary’s defeat, because he “suffered fatal confusion on the subject of delegates.” Carville hits Penn for reportedly not understanding that California was not a winner-take-all state, so his strategy hinged too heavily on winning it. Carville terms this a “spectacular error.”

* “The `inevitability’ strategy was just plain dumb,” Carville writes. “It played into a preexisting perception among many voters, and literally all of the media, that she felt that she was entitled to the nomination.” He also charges the campaign made a “flawed” decision to be as aggressive as possible with the press because they’d concluded “the press didn’t like them.”

BF79 2009.04.30. 22:49:38

Jóóó :)

Nektek, hogy jön ki ez a 75 évig tart visszafizetni kétszámjegyű GDP növekedés mellett az államadósságot számítás? Nekem sehogy. Kivéve ha 10% a GDP növekedés és 0,5% vagy kevesebb jut törlesztésre. És ebben benne van a teljes Reagan, és 2 Bush időszak hozadéka (Clinton alatt csökkent az államadósság)

sesq 2009.05.02. 14:02:55

'Nektek, hogy jön ki ez a 75 évig tart visszafizetni kétszámjegyű GDP növekedés mellett az államadósságot számítás?'

"Deficits don't matter." - Dick Cheney, 2002

Link Elek 2009.05.03. 07:03:18

bill clinton politikai strategiai hibaja volt, hogy kiegyensulyzota a koltsegvetesest. az amerikai valasztok azota sem tudjak/ertik. el kellett volna koltenie a penzt kornyezetbarat/fenntarthato/zero carbon technologiak fejlesztesere, vagy barmi ertelmes dologra.
amirol a valasztok ugy gondoljak hogfy egy dem/rep ugysem csinalja, azt meg ha meg is csinalja, akkor sem "latjak"
ha mccain lenne az elnok megfelezhetne a DoD koltsegveteset, akkor sem gondolna senki, hogy amerika lefegyverzi onmagat.
majd 8-12 ev mulva valami fiskalisan konzervativ elnok meg is fogja csinalni.
azert jelenleg vicces, hogy az usa tobbet kolt pl a haditengereszetere, mint a ot koveto 13 nemzet egyuttveve, es abbol 11 raadasul szovetseges is.

clownfish 2009.05.03. 21:27:17

szurkoljatok, emberek! a következő három nap dönt a jövőmről! nem szeretném, hogy megremegjen a kezem.

sesq 2009.05.04. 19:51:38

@clownfish: hogy sikerult? es mi sikerult hogy?

clownfish 2009.05.04. 20:50:40

hehe, ma volt magyar
szövegalkotásként én az érvelés lehetőséggel írtam, aminek a fókuszszövegében spiró gyuri barátunk fejtegette, hogy át kéne írni a régi könyveket, hogy a nem olvasó ifjúság kedvét meghozza az olvasáshoz, mivel jelen állapotukban a régies nyelvezet miatt nem értik a szövegeket... az remek volt, de ennek örömére a szövegértésnek (kicsit szembeköpték magukat XD ) beraktak egy mikszáth-szöveget, amit jókairól írt... rémes kérdésekkel, azt jól el is csesztem, szóval 100-ból olyan 80-85 ponttal indulhatok neki a szóbeli fordulónak. :D

holnap matek, holnapután töri. a cél, hogy valamelyik 90% fölött legyen. :) szóval (főleg holnap) szurkoljatok!

clownfish 2009.05.04. 20:51:53

*lehetőséggel éltem

BF79 2009.05.05. 19:51:54


Kiváncsi lennék, hogy ezeket az átlátszó akciókat ki találja ki:

sesq 2009.05.05. 20:18:51

"Kiváncsi lennék, hogy ezeket az átlátszó akciókat ki találja ki"

atlatszo vagy nem, megis mukodik:

Maybe Barack Obama really is The One.

Yesterday's news was good -- almost supernaturally so.

The economy? Recovering.

The markets? Rallying.

Swine flu? Abating.

Drought? Ending.

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff declared his confidence that Pakistan's nuclear weapons are well secured. The chairman of the Senate Finance Committee declared his confidence that a massive health-care overhaul will be accomplished this year. Warren Buffett declared his confidence that the economy is "out of the quicksand."
The rapid improvement in the public's mood is without precedent in modern history. Last week's Washington Post poll found that 50 percent of Americans think things are generally going in the right direction, up from only 8 percent in early October. That's the quickest change in optimism since the question was first asked by The Post in 1980. Views of President Obama, in turn, were impossibly high: Ninety percent called him willing to listen to different views, and better than 70 percent called him a strong leader, honest and trustworthy, and understanding of people's problems.

And that was before happiness started busting out all over yesterday.

sesq 2009.05.06. 18:17:59

headline of the day:

Afghanistan's only pig quarantined in flu fear
süti beállítások módosítása